Thursday, October 30, 2014

Back from a long Hiatus?


Hello! I don't know if I'm "back" back, but I miss having an outlet for my general feelings, experiences, and happenings. So, I'm going to try to post here periodically about life and my continued weight loss journey. It's nice to know that some people actually found my blog interesting. Thank you, and I hope you still find it interesting, even if I don't have much to offer. =D

That being said, so much has happened in the last year and a half, that I won't be able to go through everything in one post, which is probably a good thing. I always find it easier to read blogs that have modestly detailed posts that have plenty to say but don't over do it in one go. So, I'll try to keep up a somewhat regular blog about about what's going on in my life and what efforts I'm making to maintain the route to a happier, skinnier me. 

I'll start with a few basics and go more into detail in later posts. I'm no longer working a sedentary desk job, but now have a job a Starbucks! Which is good and bad at the same time... Also, this is my last year at university! Which is _also_ good and bad at the same time... Lol, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's okay. I'll talk more about it later. 

In weight related news, I'm finally kicking myself in the tush, and getting my act together. I underestimated the influence reading other weight loss blogs have on me and am finding the motivation to start taking it seriously again! I'm beyond grateful that I've managed to maintain a downward trend in my weight and managed to maintain around 140 for the past couple months! This is so unreal I can't even stand it! I got as low as 138 at one point! I've been slowly gaining the past couple weeks, but I'm more than positive that it's because of stress from school and lack of sleep is causing me to look for energy in food (and candy), but I'm making the decision to drink black coffee to see if I can divert this bad habit and kick it in the nadds! I won't let it get me down! Roar! 

Okay, I have other stuff to talk about, but I'm going to end my post here. I'll see if I can maintain a reasonable posting pattern to talk about all my weight loss efforts and other news, because I think I honestly kind of miss it. It's just nice to get it out there. ^^ 

Are you dressing up this year? If so, what's  are you dressing up as? I'm going to be a cheap Ninja! 
Anywho, have a Happy Halloween everyone! 

Stay Strong!