Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Faultering and New Favorite Recipe

W: 149.0

Lol, yeah... Since Acen about a week ago I've let myself go a bit. Eating too much and I haven't gone to the gym in more than two weeks (I went running one day last week, but I'm not sure it counts..) I don't think it helps that I actively decided to have a binge day last week as a means to hopefully clear my head so I can actually finish my late homework assignments to get at least some credit, and I haven't recovered. It's the end of the Spring quarter and as always it's hard to believe I'm still in school when everyone else is already out! The end is so close I can almost taste it! I'm so ready for summer break..

Btw, although I didn't get a rejection letter, I'm pretty sure the Internship fell through. I checked through my emails and realized I never received a confirmation letter for my online application... oops. Well, that's okay. Now, I get to go to the mountains and chill with family for a week, go to Six Flags, the Ren Fair, etc, etc, etc. Yay! Speaking of, I'm thinking of making yet another Ren Fair dress. This time, I want it to be super simple, easy-breezy, and comfortable! But, also to go with my new corset. <3

Oh, Right! I got an actual Steel Boned Corset at Acen that I'll be using for waist training. I'm not going super extreme like some ladies, but a little cinching would be nice, I think. If nothing else, it looks super hot over clothes, lol. I'll have to wait til next week to start training, though. TOM just decided to visit (finally), and now I'm all bloated and can't even get it closed, lol, rats! I mean, I know it fits. The guy put it on me at Acen while I was still wearing my Lolita dress, and I tried it on again last week. So I know I can get into it. I'm just super bloated.

So, my eating plan for the day, and hopefully for the rest of the week and/or life, is pretty simple.
Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1/4 a cup of oatmeal
Snack: Half a yellow bell pepper
Lunch: 4 celery stalks, 1 carrot, and 2 cups of Spinach.
Snack: undecided... maybe nothing.
Dinner: Cheap and quick, homemade vegetable soup! (with Recipe!)

I'm kind of excited to share this recipe, it has saved my life a number of times and will definitely be my dinner of choice when I move out again.

It's really simple, all you need are two ingredients!
1 1/2 cups of Organic Vegetable or Chicken stock - 38cal
1 1/2 cups of a frozen vegetable blend  - 38 ~ 60cal

How to Prepare: In a medium sauce pan, bring the stock to a boil. Add frozen vegetables and bring to a boil for about 2~3 minutes. Pour in serving bowl and let sit for about 1 minute. Enjoy! And don't burn yourself!

I prefer the low sodium stocks and I tend to use either Kirkland's Normandy-Style Vegetable Blend which is about 40cal per cup or Bird's Eye Normandy Blend Fresh Frozen Deluxe Vegetables which is 25cal per cup. I mean, super low calorie and it's really filling. Well, it fills me up anyways. Sometimes it's too much and I end up leaving some. Anywho, give it a try if you're interested. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Too Much Food and Summer plans

Weight: 145.2 (65.9kg)

It's interesting to note that I have a harder time not eating when I'm home, because my parents have so much food stocked in the house. No joke, we have a pantry, which is the size of a walk in closet, two Fridge/freezers, one in the kitchen and one in the garage, and a full size freezer in the basement... I mean, really? Do we really need that much food? It's only four people, and my mom doesn't eat that much to begin with. Just wait till my brother moves out by the end of the year. We'll have even more food to throw away, which is what often happens. So, I feel a lot of pressure to eat food for the sake of making sure it doesn't go bad instead of "me not eating enough" or something like that.

Otherwise, I feel it's pretty easy to not eat when I'm at school. I have little to no reserves lingering within my reach, and I've found that I'm never really that hungry in the first place. That could be because I'm constantly chugging caffeine, but it's nice that I can focus on things more important than food. Like my homework, my long-term portfolio, and my Bible study for the day. It's just nice.

I applied for an internship that would take place in California for the whole summer, and I'm very hopeful. I don't actually think I'll make the cut, but the idea that I'd travel across the country to live on my own or with a roommate, even for just the summer, is really exciting. I'd love to be in charge of my workout schedule, the food that's kept in the place, etc. It'd just be a nice reminder of what was taken from me and a good visual of what I can look forward to when I finally move out for real. If I don't get the internship I won't be that disappointed since I have other plans for the summer that I'd otherwise be missing, such as a family reunion, theme park trip with friends, the Color Run, the Mud Run, the Renaissance Faire, etc. So either way, I'm looking forward to a good summer.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Weight: 145.2

.... Yeah, that's a bit scary that it's gone down so much within a couple of days. I kind of feel like it's not entirely true. I don't know how, I just don't think that's my real weight.. It'll go up tomorrow, this is just a fluke. I mean, okay, my diet has been really low lately, but I swear, it's un intentional. I'm just not hungry. When I do eat, I get full really quick. I don´t know! It's weird... I actually tried to eat more oatmeal for breakfast, and I couldn't finish it, because it was starting to make me feel sick from being so full. So.. I don't know.

In other news, I love sunglasses. It's finally nice enough and bright enough to wear them appropriately. And I love them for a number of reason, like they protect my eyes from the sun, allow me to see, look pretty stylin', but most of all I love them because I can watch people without seeming like a creeper. Lol, being an artist type, I love looking at people. I love examining the different curves and angles people's bodies make, how their clothes effect this shapes and line, and how well I can imagine what they're natural bodies look like (Not in a pervy way! I swear!). I guess Figure Drawing has tainted me, lol. I just find people fascinating, and I love that I can observe them all I want with sunglasses without making them feel uncomfortable. Because I really don't want to make people uncomfortable with my constant staring, but I just can't help myself.

NSV(non-scale victory) today! I bought a pair of pink jeans a little over a month ago that I intentionally bought a bit too small as "goal pants". I mean, I could get them on, but I was muffin topping and they were uncomfortable... Well, I'm wearing them to school today, and there's plenty of comfy room! Whoohoo! I mean, okay they're not baggy, yet (Thank goodness), but it's nice that I can finally wear them comfortably. To celebrate, I took a picture! yay!

Doesn't really look like I've lost much.. my thighs are still huge and my waist is still really thick, but progress is progress, and I shouldn't dismiss how far I've come.

I also wanted to share my means of recording my predicted weight loss, tracking my actual weight loss, and setting up daily goals.

I use Google Docs' Excel so I can view/update it on any computer as well as my phone. I'm trying to watch less TV, so I'm restricting my shows to the weekend only if I'm equal to or less than the weight I've predicted for my self by that time. My daily rewards are chapters from a comic book that I love. Lastly, my big, money spending reward (ex. fancy headphones) comes when I can stay under my GW until the day indicated. I think it's helpful as a reminder and a motivator to keep it up. 

Hope all is well, Stay Strong! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

New Regimen

Weight: 150.8

Well, I've officially launched my new training regimen for the up coming 5K I'm participating in. This training program will help me peak my performance for the race, I hope. It's pretty intense, but I think it'll do me a lot of good if I keep up with it. Its starts on Monday like so...

Mon: Run 3 miles (Focus on speed)
Tues: Rest
Wed: Heavy lifting
Thurs: Run 3 miles (Focus on speed)
Fri: Heavy lifting
Sat: Run 5 miles (Don't focus on speed or time)
Sun: Walk 60 minutes (Don't focus on speed or distance)

So, only two rest days (Sunday is technically a rest day), and I'll be doing 99% of the running/walking outside. It's finally warm enough in the morning to run outside. I love "Map My Run" app, it really helps me keep track of how I'm doing. I'm also glad that I can train outside 5-ish weeks before the race, cause it'll get me used to the difference in environment. Running outside is so much different from running on a tread, in that it's way harder but in a way more satisfying? I don't know, I love it. Lol.

Goodness know I'm going to need this, as you can see my weight hasn't shifted much. (Actually it went up a bit...) So, as incentive to do better about eating, which I haven't been doing well, I'll post my morning weight at the top of each post. I know it'll bounce around, but I have to see it, to remind myself how much I need this... And how damaging mistakes can be.

On another note, my lifting is getting better. I was squatting 90 lb on Friday! It was tough but exhilarating. Also, I measured myself (which I probably do too often) and although my waist hasn't moved, my hips went down! They're now 37.5 in! But I seriously need my waist to go down or I'm going to look like a plank, lol! Hopefully soon. I just need to stop eating one of my biggest vices... cheeeeeeese... I know how disgusting it is, but I just love it so much!

Other than that, I spent most of my weekend on homework and watching Supersize vs Superskinny for the millionth time. I don't know, there's just something addicting about that show, even though I've seen it to the point where I've practically memorized it.. It's just inspirational, I think. I don't know. I guess I'm just bizarre, lol.

I haven't been anywhere that I've been able to post Thinspo, so that's why there isn't any, but will post some next time, I hope. Lol.

Stay Strong!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A bit about me

I've been so lazy lately! lol, Did my lifting yesterday, but I totally didn't want to.. Then I slept through my run this morning... Bleeeeh!! But I'm down to 149 today! Yaaaay!! I wasn't expecting quite that much of a drop from rebooting this regimen of mine. I've been able to keep up with it so far, and no hunger pains yet. I found somewhere online that noted that my BMR is 1499, so I'm not surprised that I have to restrict so much to make any difference.

One of the food items that has been helping me are these smoothies I'm been making. I'm using a big hand full of spinach (10), a carrot (45), cup of frozen strawberries (50), and a cup of frozen blueberries (85) to make a 190cal smoothie. I believe it makes about 20oz. The fiber in the spinach helps make it filling and makes it last, although it's definitely an acquired taste. I guess I just have a knack for making myself acquire strange tastes, especially if they are healthy for me. Like Natto! I love Natto, but everyone else I know hates it. Lol. It's a Japanese super food, and even most Japanese people don't like. My mom says it looks like snot, but it's so goood! yum.

Anywho, I don't have much else to say other than, oh my goodness! It's so nice outside finally!! I want to go swimming! Or go shopping! Or to the park! Or something!! I wish I were out of school and had more friends.. ;_; A lot of my school friends are graduating in a couple months. and one of them is going to Japan for years and years!! Not even fair! Lol, we still need to give her a going away party/event/something before she leaves.

I guess I can talk a bit about myself now, heh. As you can probably tell, I'm very interested in Japan and Japanese culture. Not just anime, but everything about it. I've been there on a number of occasions and am learning the language, although I'm still not very good at it. I'd love to apply for the JET programme once I graduate, so I can go teach English in Japan. Heh, there's Thinspiration if ever there was any. It's bad enough that I'm taller than most Japanese people and I have bigger feet (Size 10! eww!! Like, no joke! The biggest size they have at 99% of their stores are a size 9... not even fair, lol!), so why should I be too fat for their clothing, too? I look forward to being able to shop at their stores and find nicely fitting clothing, because they have some cute stuff there.

I have more things I could talk about, but I'll save them for later posts. Stay Strong!