Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bingeing and Purging..


So, the November challenge started out pretty well, actually. I had a successful Fast on Sunday regardless of having gone to the movies that night. However, Monday was not a very good day, but Tuesday turned out well with only Soup (200), Grahmcrackers (550) and Milano cookies (370) for the entire day. But then yesterday...

It really didn't start all that bad, but I have this particular weakness for these Asiago Bagels (and well, bagels in general) at this little shop in the train station where I commute. I noticed that I always crave more sugary and bready things once I indulge this weakness. It seems to happen when I eat almost anything bread or pasta related, but anyways.. I bought two and ate them for "breakfast" and "lunch". I also had caramel flavored coffee and a petite vanilla scone from Starbucks. Really and truly, that wasn't so bad and I still had the chance to finish the day on a good note.

Oh no. I binged. I binged pretty bad last night. Granted, it was kind of a planned binge, because all I could think about for the rest of the day was sugar and I argued that I was going to start something "tomorrow", so I have only myself to blame for getting 10 oz bag of chewy, sour Jolly Ranchers, and that Sea Salt Caramel Gelato (Oh my gawd! It was AMAZING!!!! In the worst possible way....). So I ate those as well as a hefty bowl of spaghetti bolonaise that my dad made.. I tell you, I felt down right sick after consuming all that junk.. Unfortunately because of that, I ended up purging for only the third time in my entire life. It scared me.. It really scared me.. It scared me to think how much easier it was this time compared to the first two time, and how little it effected me afterwards.. I always told myself I wouldn't be one of those people.. I wouldn't purge. I wouldn't ever enter that cycle of bingeing and purging. Even if I genuinely felt ill, I would keep it in and sit with those feelings of regret and anguish. I would suffer through it.. But all I could think about last night was how much better would I feel if I could just get it out. I didn't want to sit with the pain, I didn't want to leave it in there, I couldn't take it. So, I took the "easy" way out in order to stop the pain.. only to find that it's been leaving me with a different kind of pain.

This is the last time though! No more! I will not let myself get to a point that I fill sick from overeating. On top of my plan for November, I'm issuing another, small challenge. It'll only be a week long test, just to see if I can do it. I'm going completely vegetarian for a week. No meat. No bread. No Candy. No Chocolate. No artificial stuff. Only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and a small amount of dairy (Mostly eggs). I need to end this artificial sugar addiction and replace it with real food and nutrients.

I'll try to start small. Baby steps. If I can make it through the day on coffee, water, fruits and veg. Then... I'll go to sleep satisfied.

Hope things are going better for you.
Stay Strong!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Stating a November Challenge.


So, I've been thinking about this for a while and I'm not doing anything spectacularly different, but I'm going to sort of challenge myself this month. I want to try this new technique, and record my progress on a monthly basis. That being said, I'm going to post my body and weight related stats at the end of this post and the end of every post as close to the first of the month as I can. I was also thinking about doing pictures, but I didn't have time to do those this morning, so I'll probably take some tomorrow and edit this post. We'll see, I guess.

So, to start, I'm trying out this strategy I found a while ago. I applied it to my life at the end of last year, and it worked out pretty well. It's called Intermittent Fasting. It's a newer study that has been researched and has always seemed pretty interesting to me. This link has a nice documentary about the subject where a British man explores the research and tries it out for himself. I really love BBC shows about weight and diets... they're really inspirational and just interesting. I'm going to Fast every Sunday and restrict my portion size during the rest of the week so I don't suffer from the hunger pangs as bad. I'm in the middle of my first Sunday Fast, and it's not too bad so far. The nice thing about working a full shift in the morning is that despite being surrounded by delicious pastries and syrup ridden drinks I'm too busy running around working to even think about eating and it's easier to ignore hunger pangs when they do come.

The second thing I'm going to try doing is drink far more coffee. This seems weird, but I found out that because I work at Starbucks, I can't help but be on a caffeine kick for my 8 hr shifts every weekend due to all the ground espresso and aroma filling the air whether I drink it or not. I can't not be addicted, so during the week when I try to not drink coffee I end up being really tired and get lots of headaches. This combined with working late into the night on various projects for school means my body is constantly looking for high-sugar and high-fat foods to get quick energy. So, I'm going to drink more coffee. I hear it's a good appetite suppressant, so that works in my favor as well.

I'm also using my rubber band again! Keep me from thinking about those horrible sugary treats that I love so much.

So, that's that. I'm ready to get started and see how effectively I can change my lifestyle for the better! I'd like to see a nice difference by the time summer comes around. I have lots of plans and I want to be fit and ready to take on the world!

What kind of plans do you have for November?

Stay Strong!

Age: 26
Height: 5'7"

HW: 174 lb
LW: 138 lb
GW1: 130 lb
GW2: 120 lb

UGW: 115~118 lb

Breasts: 36 in
Waist: 28.5 in
Hips: 37 in
Arms: 10 in
Thighs: 23 in

BMI: 21.92
BMR: 1456.7
Bodyfat %: 25.85

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Back from a long Hiatus?


Hello! I don't know if I'm "back" back, but I miss having an outlet for my general feelings, experiences, and happenings. So, I'm going to try to post here periodically about life and my continued weight loss journey. It's nice to know that some people actually found my blog interesting. Thank you, and I hope you still find it interesting, even if I don't have much to offer. =D

That being said, so much has happened in the last year and a half, that I won't be able to go through everything in one post, which is probably a good thing. I always find it easier to read blogs that have modestly detailed posts that have plenty to say but don't over do it in one go. So, I'll try to keep up a somewhat regular blog about about what's going on in my life and what efforts I'm making to maintain the route to a happier, skinnier me. 

I'll start with a few basics and go more into detail in later posts. I'm no longer working a sedentary desk job, but now have a job a Starbucks! Which is good and bad at the same time... Also, this is my last year at university! Which is _also_ good and bad at the same time... Lol, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's okay. I'll talk more about it later. 

In weight related news, I'm finally kicking myself in the tush, and getting my act together. I underestimated the influence reading other weight loss blogs have on me and am finding the motivation to start taking it seriously again! I'm beyond grateful that I've managed to maintain a downward trend in my weight and managed to maintain around 140 for the past couple months! This is so unreal I can't even stand it! I got as low as 138 at one point! I've been slowly gaining the past couple weeks, but I'm more than positive that it's because of stress from school and lack of sleep is causing me to look for energy in food (and candy), but I'm making the decision to drink black coffee to see if I can divert this bad habit and kick it in the nadds! I won't let it get me down! Roar! 

Okay, I have other stuff to talk about, but I'm going to end my post here. I'll see if I can maintain a reasonable posting pattern to talk about all my weight loss efforts and other news, because I think I honestly kind of miss it. It's just nice to get it out there. ^^ 

Are you dressing up this year? If so, what's  are you dressing up as? I'm going to be a cheap Ninja! 
Anywho, have a Happy Halloween everyone! 

Stay Strong!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Feeling Stuck, New show (Link)


Wandering the halls of my own home. Going through the motions of life. Stuck. In an endless cycle of the same old routine. I just feel a bit empty.

I think it's safe to say by now, that the internship is out the window. I was kind of looking forward to the idea of a change in scenery. I just can't help feeling so stuck here. Feels like I've been walking through a dream these past couple weeks. It could be that I've cut way back on my caffeine consumption. So, I'm just feeling incessantly tired, but I can't seem to get a deep enough sleep to help.. It's really frustrating.

I have two days left in this term, and then I'll start work full time over the summer. More meaningless hours to waste away in front of a computer. Time seems to be moving so slowly in my life, like I'm hanging in limbo waiting for something to happen. I'm not even sure what I'm waiting for. Also frustrating. I keep trying desperately to clear my head and find focus, but I'm struggling to figure out what to focus on. Weight loss? I can't seem to bring myself to the focus I had in November. That's when I started my extreme dieting. Now, I'm lacking that drive, and eating "right" is more habitual and less strict as the cravings and mindless eating have been taking over a bit more. In January, I built a motivation to train for the sake of becoming a badass. Even that's dwindled, but I've managed to revive it enough to keep me going to the gym somewhat regularly.

I don't know. Perhaps, I'm just in a large bump of "bad days" and I just need to wade through them. It's making my final projects a pain to finish... or even think about finishing. It's just all seeming so irrelevant. I hope I can kick myself out of this rut soon, though. The Color Run is less than two weeks away, and I don't want my first 5k to be blown away in a wisp of memory.

In other news, I've found a new, interesting show hosted by Anna Richardson from Supersize vs Superskinny (Another great show, btw) called Secret Eaters. It's good for some reverse thinspo, and has some nice tips about eating. Check it out.

Stay Strong!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Faultering and New Favorite Recipe

W: 149.0

Lol, yeah... Since Acen about a week ago I've let myself go a bit. Eating too much and I haven't gone to the gym in more than two weeks (I went running one day last week, but I'm not sure it counts..) I don't think it helps that I actively decided to have a binge day last week as a means to hopefully clear my head so I can actually finish my late homework assignments to get at least some credit, and I haven't recovered. It's the end of the Spring quarter and as always it's hard to believe I'm still in school when everyone else is already out! The end is so close I can almost taste it! I'm so ready for summer break..

Btw, although I didn't get a rejection letter, I'm pretty sure the Internship fell through. I checked through my emails and realized I never received a confirmation letter for my online application... oops. Well, that's okay. Now, I get to go to the mountains and chill with family for a week, go to Six Flags, the Ren Fair, etc, etc, etc. Yay! Speaking of, I'm thinking of making yet another Ren Fair dress. This time, I want it to be super simple, easy-breezy, and comfortable! But, also to go with my new corset. <3

Oh, Right! I got an actual Steel Boned Corset at Acen that I'll be using for waist training. I'm not going super extreme like some ladies, but a little cinching would be nice, I think. If nothing else, it looks super hot over clothes, lol. I'll have to wait til next week to start training, though. TOM just decided to visit (finally), and now I'm all bloated and can't even get it closed, lol, rats! I mean, I know it fits. The guy put it on me at Acen while I was still wearing my Lolita dress, and I tried it on again last week. So I know I can get into it. I'm just super bloated.

So, my eating plan for the day, and hopefully for the rest of the week and/or life, is pretty simple.
Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1/4 a cup of oatmeal
Snack: Half a yellow bell pepper
Lunch: 4 celery stalks, 1 carrot, and 2 cups of Spinach.
Snack: undecided... maybe nothing.
Dinner: Cheap and quick, homemade vegetable soup! (with Recipe!)

I'm kind of excited to share this recipe, it has saved my life a number of times and will definitely be my dinner of choice when I move out again.

It's really simple, all you need are two ingredients!
1 1/2 cups of Organic Vegetable or Chicken stock - 38cal
1 1/2 cups of a frozen vegetable blend  - 38 ~ 60cal

How to Prepare: In a medium sauce pan, bring the stock to a boil. Add frozen vegetables and bring to a boil for about 2~3 minutes. Pour in serving bowl and let sit for about 1 minute. Enjoy! And don't burn yourself!

I prefer the low sodium stocks and I tend to use either Kirkland's Normandy-Style Vegetable Blend which is about 40cal per cup or Bird's Eye Normandy Blend Fresh Frozen Deluxe Vegetables which is 25cal per cup. I mean, super low calorie and it's really filling. Well, it fills me up anyways. Sometimes it's too much and I end up leaving some. Anywho, give it a try if you're interested. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Too Much Food and Summer plans

Weight: 145.2 (65.9kg)

It's interesting to note that I have a harder time not eating when I'm home, because my parents have so much food stocked in the house. No joke, we have a pantry, which is the size of a walk in closet, two Fridge/freezers, one in the kitchen and one in the garage, and a full size freezer in the basement... I mean, really? Do we really need that much food? It's only four people, and my mom doesn't eat that much to begin with. Just wait till my brother moves out by the end of the year. We'll have even more food to throw away, which is what often happens. So, I feel a lot of pressure to eat food for the sake of making sure it doesn't go bad instead of "me not eating enough" or something like that.

Otherwise, I feel it's pretty easy to not eat when I'm at school. I have little to no reserves lingering within my reach, and I've found that I'm never really that hungry in the first place. That could be because I'm constantly chugging caffeine, but it's nice that I can focus on things more important than food. Like my homework, my long-term portfolio, and my Bible study for the day. It's just nice.

I applied for an internship that would take place in California for the whole summer, and I'm very hopeful. I don't actually think I'll make the cut, but the idea that I'd travel across the country to live on my own or with a roommate, even for just the summer, is really exciting. I'd love to be in charge of my workout schedule, the food that's kept in the place, etc. It'd just be a nice reminder of what was taken from me and a good visual of what I can look forward to when I finally move out for real. If I don't get the internship I won't be that disappointed since I have other plans for the summer that I'd otherwise be missing, such as a family reunion, theme park trip with friends, the Color Run, the Mud Run, the Renaissance Faire, etc. So either way, I'm looking forward to a good summer.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Weight: 145.2

.... Yeah, that's a bit scary that it's gone down so much within a couple of days. I kind of feel like it's not entirely true. I don't know how, I just don't think that's my real weight.. It'll go up tomorrow, this is just a fluke. I mean, okay, my diet has been really low lately, but I swear, it's un intentional. I'm just not hungry. When I do eat, I get full really quick. I don´t know! It's weird... I actually tried to eat more oatmeal for breakfast, and I couldn't finish it, because it was starting to make me feel sick from being so full. So.. I don't know.

In other news, I love sunglasses. It's finally nice enough and bright enough to wear them appropriately. And I love them for a number of reason, like they protect my eyes from the sun, allow me to see, look pretty stylin', but most of all I love them because I can watch people without seeming like a creeper. Lol, being an artist type, I love looking at people. I love examining the different curves and angles people's bodies make, how their clothes effect this shapes and line, and how well I can imagine what they're natural bodies look like (Not in a pervy way! I swear!). I guess Figure Drawing has tainted me, lol. I just find people fascinating, and I love that I can observe them all I want with sunglasses without making them feel uncomfortable. Because I really don't want to make people uncomfortable with my constant staring, but I just can't help myself.

NSV(non-scale victory) today! I bought a pair of pink jeans a little over a month ago that I intentionally bought a bit too small as "goal pants". I mean, I could get them on, but I was muffin topping and they were uncomfortable... Well, I'm wearing them to school today, and there's plenty of comfy room! Whoohoo! I mean, okay they're not baggy, yet (Thank goodness), but it's nice that I can finally wear them comfortably. To celebrate, I took a picture! yay!

Doesn't really look like I've lost much.. my thighs are still huge and my waist is still really thick, but progress is progress, and I shouldn't dismiss how far I've come.

I also wanted to share my means of recording my predicted weight loss, tracking my actual weight loss, and setting up daily goals.

I use Google Docs' Excel so I can view/update it on any computer as well as my phone. I'm trying to watch less TV, so I'm restricting my shows to the weekend only if I'm equal to or less than the weight I've predicted for my self by that time. My daily rewards are chapters from a comic book that I love. Lastly, my big, money spending reward (ex. fancy headphones) comes when I can stay under my GW until the day indicated. I think it's helpful as a reminder and a motivator to keep it up. 

Hope all is well, Stay Strong!