Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Too Much Food and Summer plans

Weight: 145.2 (65.9kg)

It's interesting to note that I have a harder time not eating when I'm home, because my parents have so much food stocked in the house. No joke, we have a pantry, which is the size of a walk in closet, two Fridge/freezers, one in the kitchen and one in the garage, and a full size freezer in the basement... I mean, really? Do we really need that much food? It's only four people, and my mom doesn't eat that much to begin with. Just wait till my brother moves out by the end of the year. We'll have even more food to throw away, which is what often happens. So, I feel a lot of pressure to eat food for the sake of making sure it doesn't go bad instead of "me not eating enough" or something like that.

Otherwise, I feel it's pretty easy to not eat when I'm at school. I have little to no reserves lingering within my reach, and I've found that I'm never really that hungry in the first place. That could be because I'm constantly chugging caffeine, but it's nice that I can focus on things more important than food. Like my homework, my long-term portfolio, and my Bible study for the day. It's just nice.

I applied for an internship that would take place in California for the whole summer, and I'm very hopeful. I don't actually think I'll make the cut, but the idea that I'd travel across the country to live on my own or with a roommate, even for just the summer, is really exciting. I'd love to be in charge of my workout schedule, the food that's kept in the place, etc. It'd just be a nice reminder of what was taken from me and a good visual of what I can look forward to when I finally move out for real. If I don't get the internship I won't be that disappointed since I have other plans for the summer that I'd otherwise be missing, such as a family reunion, theme park trip with friends, the Color Run, the Mud Run, the Renaissance Faire, etc. So either way, I'm looking forward to a good summer.

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